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Hempseeds are great. They are very nutritious, easy to grow without adding chemicals and fun to eat.

Add them to your breakfast cereals, into you muesli cookies or your homemade chocolates! Almost forty percent of the hempseed consist of complete protein ( this is more than found in farmed beef, chicken or fish!) Almost half of it are healthy fats, with an ideal balance of omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids. And they will improve your brain functions, due to the lecithin found in hempseeds.*

There is very little THC found in normal hempseeds, so eating them will not get you Hempseed high. high. Hemp has so many uses, it's used to make insulation, paper or cloths, it's actually a superplant! Hempheals.com hempsters docu

* source 'Superfoods - the food and medicine of the future' by David Wolfe

Chocolate bonbons

These beautiful raw chocolates are actually healthy for you, and due to the sweetness of honey kids love them too!

Guru Power Goo

Guru Power Goo - energising super treat!

Recipe by David Wolfe, from his book 'Superfoods - the food and medicine of the future'

Search for, or add your favorite Super Organic & Raw Food Recipes on this website.

An easy & free online recipe book for everybody who enjoys good, healthy and tasty food, a place to put your own recipe online or find whatever Super Organic & Raw Food Recipes your looking for! Maaike and Marc lived happily in Amsterdam for years before choosing a different lifestyle. They moved to the countryside of southern France. They grow their own gojiberries and other fruits, nuts & veggies and eat, drink & live super organic!

Happy healthy creative people