Humus with coriander Preparation 10 min.or 30 min. Ready in 10 min. or 10 hours
Hummus is a very delectable and healthy spread or dip, it's been enjoyed by men for over thousands of years.
Cute Cubes Preparation 5 min Ready in 4 hours
Put a smile on your face with these cute Borage flower ice cubes
Banana Cream Cake Preparation 25 min. Ready in 2 hours
Easy & fast to make pie. Is a guaranteed success: everybody loves the combination of sweet bananas & cream.
French Fruit & Flower Terrine Preparation 30 min. Ready in 3 hours and 1 night
A colorful & grand dessert, made with handpicked fruits and flowers out of you own vegetable garden.
Amazing Guacamole - Real Mexican Style Preparation 10 Min. Ready in 10 Min.
A great guacamole with Superfood Spirulina. Recipe by David Wolfe, from his book 'Superfoods - the food and medicine of the future'
Spring Green Peas Salad Preparation 5 Min. Ready in 5 Min.
A simple but delectable salad made of fresh uncooked green peas, spring onion and a bit of soy sauce.
Menthol Toothpaste Preparation 10 Min. Ready in 10 Min.
This low cost and easy to make menthol toothpaste leaves you with clean white teeth and a fresh breath. The sodium bicarbonate neutralises and stops the acidity attack on your teeth. Recommended by my dentist!