Super Snack Preparation 1 Min. Ready in 1 Min.
This simple, sweet & energizing snack can be enjoyed at any time.
Kids thyme syrup Preparation 30 Min. Ready in 30 Min.
Yummie medicinale syrup with fresh thyme. Thyme strenghtens the lungs. Soothes the throat and bronchial tubes. Helps protect against those winter illnesses. No additifs, just honest organic products!
Menthol Toothpaste Preparation 10 Min. Ready in 10 Min.
This low cost and easy to make menthol toothpaste leaves you with clean white teeth and a fresh breath. The sodium bicarbonate neutralises and stops the acidity attack on your teeth. Recommended by my dentist!
Humus with coriander Preparation 10 min.or 30 min. Ready in 10 min. or 10 hours
Hummus is a very delectable and healthy spread or dip, it's been enjoyed by men for over thousands of years.
Nourishing face cream with geranium Preparation 15 Min. Ready in 15Min.
A totally natural face cream made with organic ingredients.
Hydrating Aloe Delight Preparation 15 Min. Ready in 15 Min.
Drink with Aloe Vera gel by David Wolfe, from his book 'Superfoods - the food and medicine of the future'
French Fruit & Flower Terrine Preparation 30 min. Ready in 3 hours and 1 night
A colorful & grand dessert, made with handpicked fruits and flowers out of you own vegetable garden.